

The Tableaux Vivants through the eyes of the photographers Sonia Ritondale,
Gennaro Parricelli, Dioniso Punk and Simone Calcagni.

Photos: Sonia Ritondale

In case of use of these photos, it is mandatory to quote the photographer Sonia Ritondale and the company Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

Photos: Gennaro Parricelli

In case of use of these photos, it is mandatory to quote the photographer Gennaro Parricelli and the company Ludovica Rambelli Teatro

Video by
Dioniso Punk

In case of use of this video, it is mandatory to quote the author Dioniso Punk and the company Ludovica Rambelli Theater

Play Video about Il video dei Tableau Vivants di Ludovica Rambelli Teatro a cura di Dioniso Punk

Video by
Simone Calcagni

In case of use of this video, it is mandatory to quote the author Simone Calcagni and the company Ludovica Rambelli Theater

Play Video about Video dei Tableaux Vivants di Ludovica Rambelli Teatro girato a Sutri da Simone Calcagni


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Ludovica Rambelli Teatro brings the Caravaggio and Michelangelo Tableaux Vivant performance around Italy and Europe. If by chance we happen in your part, come and say “hello”. 

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